?Do every people like art
?What the meaning Art
?Is history of humankind is the history of art
?Is should we study its art for know a country or nation
?Are there handicrafts good example for art and culture of country
?whats the meaning of by handicrafts
?do many people sell their handicrafts to tourists
?Are there excellent collection of persian art in many important museum of the world
whats the meaning custom
?whats the meaning identity
?whats the meaning reflect
?whats the meaning humankind
?whats the meaning appreciate
?is each person fingerprint unique
?are there gold and silver valuable metals
?is there animal diversity of lorestan amazing
?is there Iran a vast country in southwest asia
?is it Art increases brain’s activity
?Does art make people more creative and social
increases brain activity........
art helps........learn math and science better
Art makes people more ........and sociable
There are at least 12 different meanings for the word....... in English.
my aunt bought a ........wall clock
iran is a .......country in southwest asia
iranian craftsmen and ........ Are hard-working people
he is .........a rug
.......gold and silver are valuable
each person’s .......... Is unique
?is Iranian art quit famous all around the world
France ………….. a large part of its electricity from nuclear power.
Industrialized countries ……….. natural resources in huge quantities
کشورهای صنعتی ……….. منابع طبیعی در مقادیر زیاد
I love this restaurant because its menu offers a good ………… of seafood
من عاشق این رستوران هستم زیرا منوی آن غذاهای دریایی خوبی را ارائه می دهد
The sun is perhaps the least expensive energy ........…. we have.
A Swiss company has found a way to ………… animal waste into fuel.
یک شرکت سوئیسی راهی برای تبدیل ضایعات حیوانات به سوخت پیدا کرده است.
When the bell rang, the school children ran out Into the ............ .
وقتی زنگ به صدا درآمد، بچه های مدرسه دویدند به داخل ............. .
............ and overfishing have reduced the population of coastal fish.
.......... و صید بی رویه باعث کاهش جمعیت ماهیان ساحلی شده است
You can only see the beach when the ………… is out.
تنها زمانی می توانید ساحل را ببینید که ………… بیرون باشد
Our hotel room has a ………… that looks out over the pool.
اتاق هتل ما دارای ………… است که رو به استخر است.
The Earth's resources are being .......….. at an alarming rate.
منابع زمین با سرعت نگران کننده ای در حال ........ هستند.
I really like the house, but I don't think I'll live there ............ .
من خونه رو خیلی دوست دارم ولی فکر نمیکنم اونجا زندگی کنم ............ .
Wind power is ....……. and produces no greenhouse gases during operation.
نیروی باد ....... است. و در حین کار گازهای گلخانه ای تولید نمی کند.
The cost of almost all electrical ………… and services increased when price controls were removed.
با حذف کنترل قیمت، تقریباً تمام خدمات برقی و خدماتی افزایش یافت.
As the weeks passed, I ………… accepted his death.
هفته ها گذشت، من……………………
Doctors are warning people to ………… the amount of salt in their diet.
پزشکان به مردم هشدار می دهند که میزان نمک موجود در رژیم غذایی خود را …………
The sun ......…… both warmth and light
خورشید ......... هم گرما و هم نور.
Sugar has always been the ………… of the Cuban economy
Tourism has brought many ………… to the area.
گردشگری بسیاری از ………… را به این منطقه آورده است
Football fans ran onto the field and ………… the referee
هواداران فوتبال به سمت زمین دویدند و ………… داور.
His new diet ....…….. largely of vegetables and grains.
His new diet ....…….. largely of vegetables and grains.
The president said that Mexico would continue to ........…. with the US In the fight against drugs.
رئیس جمهور گفت که مکزیک به ......... ادامه خواهد داد. با ایالات متحده در مبارزه با مواد مخدر.
I guess most of the problems ………… expecting too much of people.
حدس میزنم بیشتر مشکلات………… انتظار بیش از حد از مردم.
The scientists have been asked to .....……. some new ideas about the serious issue of global warming.
از دانشمندان خواسته شده است که …………. چند ایده جدید در مورد مسئله جدی گرمایش جهانی
Our chef is never happy until the .....……. of vegetables on each plate Is just right.
سرآشپز ما هیچ وقت خوشحال نمی شود تا اینکه ........ سبزیجات در هر بشقاب درست است.
The librarian told us to ………… the books ......…… when we had finished with them.
کتابدار به ما گفت که........
The scientist said that he was not sure about the results and that a ………… analysis of the soil was also needed to reach a firm conclusion.
دانشمند گفت که از نتایج مطمئن نیست و برای رسیدن به یک نتیجه قطعی به تجزیه و تحلیل خاک نیز نیاز است
Buses and cars are usually ………… by diesel engines.
اتوبوسها و خودروها معمولاً....
My mother told us to wash the fruits carefully under ........…. water.
I'm really excited because the eggs may ………… any day now.
من واقعا هیجان زده هستم زیرا تخم مرغ ها ممکن است هر روز………….
عدم نگهداری ماده شیمیایی در دمای مناسب می تواند ………………………………..
The minarets of the mosque are ………… from the next village
The two sisters are complete ………… . They have nothing in common.
ey ………… that the product can make you thin without dieting
The Wilsons were coming back from vacation today, and I was ………… telling them what had happened while they were away
Oh, ………… Kylie, you made the same excuse last week.
Guests who ......…… special diets should inform the catering manager In advance
Only the UN can deal with ………… problems like pollution of the atmosphere.
The stage ......…… at various points during the performance
صحنه ………… در نقاط مختلف حین اجرا
You might find that writing a summary will help you to .......….. your thoughts.
ممکن است متوجه شوید که نوشتن خلاصه به شما کمک میکند تا افکارتان را .........
Travelers to Africa are being ………… about the danger of HIV Infection.
مسافرانی که به آفریقا می آیند………… در مورد خطر ابتلا به HIV هستند.
You might find that writing a summary will help you to .......….. your thoughts.
Travelers to Africa are being ………… about the danger of HIV Infection.
Please ………… your bank of any change of address as soon as possible
If we .......….. water to 100°C, it turns to steam
Kilmer's lawyer, David Taylor, said that his ………… should not have to pay the government anything
Each son has a job In education – three teachers and one ………… .
The teacher encouraged him to read ........…. in philosophy
The film won the top ………… at the Berlin Film Festival.
The organization's long-term ………… is to gain a strong position in the European market.
At 7:30 p.m., a ………… black limousine parked in front of the building.
Her ex-husband refused to .......….. her ………… any of her old photos and letters.
The bill ........ on time, or we won't have light next mont
Books that are amusing …….. by the children at the age around 7 to 9 years old.
The window ........ because lots of dust enters the room every time we open it.
The situation is serious. Something ........ to save his life before It's too late.
Wind power......... for producing different sorts of energy such as generating electricity to power homes
I was talking to my friend about an important issues and I didn't realize that our conversation…
The man does not know the ABC of driving; I wonder why he …….. to take the car.
You have to prepare yourself for the interview in which you ....... a number of unexpected questions.
It is not enough to do the task; what is more important is that it …….. as carefully as possible.
I hadn't ever been to any of Asian countries before I ........ to China.