Choose the correct answer according to the text.
What do people need to light their homes and drive cars? Energy! Energy gives power to many things we need and use. Most of the energy people use comes from coal, oil and gas. They are called fossil fuels. Those fuels come from fossils under the ground. Fossils are the remains of plants and animals that lived long ago. Burning fossil fuels Pollutes the air. The air becomes dirty. That can be harmful to people. Animals and plants. Now more people are using clean energy. Such energy does not pollute the air two kinds of clean energy are wind power and solar power.
Solar power: The song gives Earth heat and light. Some homes have solar panels on the roof. The panels collect sun light and turn it into electricity. That is kind of energy. It lets people do many things. For example, be used electricity to light our homes and watch television. Solar power can also be used to warm up the water in our homes.
Wind power: People can turn wind energy into electricity. Wind turbines are machines that spin when the wind blows. They make electricity.
a. where does most of the energy thet people use come from?
a. the wind b. plants c.fossil fules d. the sun
b. what are two examples of clean energy?
a. solar power and elecricity b. wind power and solar power
c. fossil fules and wind power d. electricity and fosil fules
c. what is the main goal of using clean energy?
a. to replace the sun and wind with man-made energy sources.
b. to remove pollution from the air as quickly as possible.
c. to stop destroying fossils from long ago.
d. to create electricity without creating pollution
d. What is the closest synonyms for the word"spin"?I
a. turn b. run c. fly d. climb